LeBron James Will Consider Taking Less Than Max If Lakers Can Sign Impact Player For MLE


LeBron James will consider signing a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers at a number below his max if the team can receive a commitment from an impact player for the full midlevel exception, confirmed Rich Paul to ESPN's Dave McMenamin. Among the players identified as targets include James Harden, Klay Thompson and Jonas Valanciuans.

If no such player can be found at that number, James plans to sign with the Lakers at his max. A decision on the contract type must be completed by next Saturday when Team USA training camp begins in Las Vegas.

"He is prioritizing a roster improvement," said Paul. "He's been adamant about exuding all efforts to improve the roster."

James will have the ability to receive a no-trade clause as part of his contract instead of signing an extension after opting in. James can sign for up to $160 million over three seasons.

Sources tell Marc Stein that James is hopeful the Lakers will be able to acquire Thompson.

According to Jovan Buha of The Athletic, James would likely need to sign for $33 million in order to fit in the $12.9 million non-taxpayer midlevel exception on the Lakers' books.
