Jerami Grant Talks Fashion Inspiration and Gifting his Portland Teammates with Designer

It was just last October when Jerami Grant told SLAM that his style is based on what he’s into in the present moment. Throughout this season, Grant has only continued to take his style to the next level. “I think I’m a bit of a chameleon,” says Grant. “I don’t have a uniform yet; I feel I’m all over the place with whatever I like, whatever kind of fits me. To describe my fashion style, I think it’s definitely fashion forward and more of a Japanese style, especially right now. If I like it, I’m going to put it on.” The Portland Trail Blazer, who was just named a LeagueFits All-Star starter, recently joined the LeagueFits ‘Survival of the Fitted’ podcast to talk more about his fashion inspiration, from anime to Fashion Week. He also revealed that he gifts his teammates designer, how the Trail Blazers are improving their sense of style and so much more. Check it out below. The post Jerami Grant Talks Fashion Inspiration and Gifting his Portland Teammates with Designer appeared first on SLAM.
