Scary plane close call involving Gonzaga basketball draws FAA investigation

The Gonzaga basketball program endured a scary close call on the tarmac of the Los Angeles International Airport.

Air traffic controllers had to tell the pilot of the jet to stop on the tarmac to avoid another plane that was taking off, according to The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. Friday. The Bulldogs were in town taking on UCLA basketball, a clash of two ranked teams. As the Key Lime Air chartered jet was taxiing, a Delta commercial plane was heading down the runway to take off.

Luckily, no one was injured but it prompted an investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration. In the video that was uploaded to YouTube, videographer Kevin Ray said he never heard an Air Traffic Controller tell a plane to “stop” in the manner that it did.

“Wow, in the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve never heard an ATC controller tell a plane to ‘Stop, stop, stop'” Ray said.

We will update this story with more details.

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