Jamal Murray: It Was Smart Of Me To Miss Playoffs, Get My Knee Right

Jamal Murray tore his ACL during the 20-21 season and missed the entire 21-22 season rehabbing. There was a possibility at one point that Murray could return in time for the playoffs for the Denver Nuggets. "It was tough, but I just wanted to wait until I was healthy, until I could play the game without thinking about it. I didn't want to be doing both out there, especially in the biggest time of the year for basketball," Murray told ESPN during a trip to Australia. "It was smart of me to miss the playoffs and get my knee right, now I can go into the next season with a lot more confidence." Murray essentially added six months to his comeback. "It was challenging, but it got easier. I felt every month I could do something new, strength wise, agility wise, I just saw constant improvement every month. Even now, I'm healthy but I can still see improvement in my game, what I'm comfortable to do and what and how I want to move on the court, it's much more fluid than before." "Early on, I wasn't able to move at all. I had to figure out what I was going to do in a pick-and-roll, if I have to see the pass earlier, hit a guy a step earlier, not getting to the paint as deep to hit a floater, just little details you study. That's what I've been doing, studying how to land, all of that stuff goes through your mind. It's been interesting, you get to learn more about yourself and more about your game as time goes on."
